CFD analysis

Get your answers in advance, through Computational Fluid Dynamics


Simulate your predicted end-result

We offer CFD services for simulating the behavior of your process application and vessel geometry with our technology. The benefit of predicting the result before designing the final process is not only a risk mitigator but also a time and cost saver.

CFD can predict the mixing conditions and therefore ensure optimal equipment selection positioning and tank geometry for perfect mixing results. Depending on the question and issue, we offer simulations ranging from simple and quick to extensive and complex.

workflow application lab (short version)6

A straight-forward workflow

With a clear brief process, the goal and expectations will be set and met. 

Compare our different evaluation services

Mixer Selector


Our Mixer Selector is available to you to on-demand, and around the clock. By entering which application and/or tank parameters, the selector will configure the input and suggest which mixer and mixer size  that would be suitable for your project.

Application lab


During an application lab test we will be able to verify a process and result, and that the equipment and liquid material behave as intended. Participate either on-site in our lab, on a live digital link, or in a full video afterward – either way, you will be able to see the results for yourself.

CFD analysis


By performing a CFD analysis you will get a digital replica of the intended mixing process, with the correct vessel conditions, material viscosity, etc, and will get a full simulation insight on the performance.

Require more information

Talk to us, and schedule a CFD analysis.